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Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

WVU NIT vs. Miss St. Win - Caridi voiceover!

This should send enough chills up and down your spine to last until football season starts.


NIT Mania came to my hotel room last night as I nearly scared my crashpadmates to death as I screamed in shock and dismay as this shot by WVU fell as the buzzer sounded to send the Mountaineers to the Championship Game of the NIT.

It was kinda embarrassing after I had done it as I REALLY screamed. I think CATTERWALLED would be a good definition of what I did. I was lying on my stomach facing the tv when the shot fell and I think I stood straight up without using my hands or feet. I think I yelled myself off the bed.

There are several clips of the final seconds of this game running around the internet and it is coming to my blog! Don't forget to tune in and watch the championship game!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Columbia, MO...MIZZOU!

I was doing something else on my computer tonight and I found these pictures from my recent trip to Columbia, MO to visit my cousin, Grant. I rushed over here to Blogger to get them posted and tell you a little bit about the place.

A big shout-out to my cousin Grant for making the trip to Kansas City in a total weather mess to get me. I believe that we counted something like 45 cars in the ditch between the airport and Columbia. The roads were horrid.

The pic above is on campus. Most of the entrance area of the campus is being renovated. That explains the fence running by the sidewalk. There is an underpass there where the buildings come together and campus tradition says that no one is to speak while passing through the covered area.

Blogger decided that I was not going to be allowed to have these pictures in the proper order so I'm doing the best that I can here with it. This is a picture of Mizzou's football stadium. Notice flat. I think that this might be the first campus I've ever been on that is flat. I had heard faint rumors that it occassionally happened but I had never witnessed it before. I was awed!

Had Blogger allowed me to rearrange the pictures, this would have followed the first shot (which actually wouldn't have been first, but anyway...) This is the tunnel/passage that I referenced at the beginning. SHHH!!! NO TALKING!

It's deja vu all over again.

This picture is kinda the main entrance to the University of Missouri...also known as MIZZOU!!! As you can see, the area is being renovated. You can also see the remnants of a terribly messy snow event from the night before.
All and all, had a great time. I didn't get pictures of the little joint that we had the "best burgers in America" as chosen by USAToday. They were VERY good. Also got to see BREACH which I again suggest everyone see. A big "HOWDY" to Huble House (boy..I hope that is right) and all the cool individuals that I met there and look forward to seeing everyone again at some point.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

And now for something different

Just thought that I'd do something a bit different today. I haven't had any picture taking trips recently and it is still too cold to get out and about to take some pictures of Romulus which is where I stay when I'm working so I'm gonna do a couple of movie reviews.

I was down in Columbia, MO visiting my cousin (I have pics from that I need to put up) and I got to see "BREACH". That is the new movie with Chris Cooper and Ryan Phillipe. EXCELLENT. Really one of the strongest movies I've seen in a while. The real pleasure is that the enjoyment actually comes from the plot line and not just a bunch of action scenes. There is tension and real high stakes drama in the actual story so it didn't need enhanced. This is based on the real life case of Robert Hanssen, an FBI agent that sold secrets to the Soviets and Russians for decades before being busted. I strongly suggest going to see this movie.

I also saw "Zodiac" the other day. "Zodiac" stars Jake Gyllenhaal ,Robert Downy Jr., Mark Ruffalo and Anthony Edwards. The movie follows the Zodiac killings in Northern California in the late 60's and early 70's from the viewpoint of Gyllenhaal's character...a cartoonist for the San Francisco Chronicle. The movies most gruesome moments are near the beginning as the first murders are recreated with vengeance. The acting is good, the script is solid and even though there isn't a true resolution to the murders (just like in the real case) we feel satisfied at the end. Very nice movie and worth a trip to the theatre as well.

There ya go..something to do!