About Me

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Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Friday, February 22, 2008


I found some of my pictures from living in Japan so I thought I'd put them up. When I get a chance to get the rest of my stuff out of storage I'm sure that I'll find more and I'll add them to the library.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Much Needed Escape

I got a chance to go out and hang with my buddy Michael last weekend and it was a much needed getaway. The weather was worth the trip out and seeing Michael is always a great thing. I also got the opportunity to reunite with an old high school friend, Scott Eads. We had dinner on Sunday night and got to hang out with some stars from Hollywood. It just so happened that Matthew McConaughey was having dinner at the same restaurant as we were and the paparazzi was waiting for him just outside.
I was also introduced to the sport of disc golf. It is just as it sounds, a combination of golfing and frisbee. WHAT A GAME! I really enjoyed it (and wasn't half bad for a first time go-round at it!). I've done some research and found out that there are several courses here in the Minneapolis area and I plan on investigating them as soon as winter passes. For those of you planning to visit, the cost of you coming now involves a game of frisbee golf! There are some pictures of me playing in the photos below.

Things that I learned this week...

The State of New Hampshire has the third largest Legislature in the English speaking world with more than 400 members. Only the US Congress and the British House of Commons are larger.

The nations fastest growing group of illegal immigrants aren't Mexicans or Salvadorans...but INDIANS! From INSIDEBAYAREA.COM "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security estimates that there are 270,000 unauthorized Indian natives in the United States, a 125 percent jump since 2000 — the largest percentage increase of any nation — with more than 100,000 illegal immigrants entering the United States."

Enjoy the pictures and be sure to vote in my poll!