About Me

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Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Friday, January 18, 2008


Big changes are afoot! Last week I drove from Charleston to Minneapolis with a carload of personal belongings and a coworker. A big shout out to ThomasMatthew for riding along with me, the ride was much more tolerable because of his shotgunning along with me. It was actually a relatively easy ride across the eastern part of the midwest and I saw some neat places that I would like to explore further.
The reason for the move is my decision to take a base transfer to Minneapolis beginning February 1 and the desire to live where I work. I know that to all ya'll NOT in the aviation world that seems like one of the stranger statements to make. You might say "People don't live where they work?" and I respond with "Not in this industry!". Anyway, I have a new living situation in Minneapolis that I'm excited about. I am living in a house with a nice mix of people. The owner, Doug, is a school teacher. Sonny is a student and comes complete with an Italian Greyhound named Nelly and Heather is a traveling nurse. The house is a beautifully maintained three level house in near the center of the city which will allow me a great opportunity to take advantage of all that Minneapolis has to offer.
There is an open invitation for all of my friends to join me sometime this summer in the city and let me show you around! I hope to see everyone soon!


Grant said...

I'm totally coming to visit you sometime this summer.

PassTravelFool said...

I can't wait to see you there!