"In and Out Burger" is a reason unto itself to come to California. More commonly found in Southern Cal, this store is located right near Fishermans Wharf and is the only one in the city. Their burgers and fries are incredible and reasonably priced, the staff well trained and their stores are clean (and their milkshakes ROCK!!!).
As you will see, the first day was themed "Places to Eat". For dinner, Alisha and I attempted to go to the only Egyptian restaurant in the city. A fantastic place called Al Masri. This picture is taken about a block from the restaurant and is a stunning view back into the city from a hilltop very near the Presidio. Sadly, the owners of the restaurant were on vacation and the place closed. (Attempt for dinner #1) Located across the street is a Russian restaurant. We decided that we'd try that. Upon entering, we discovered it was closed for a private event. (Attempt for dinner #2)
Here I am outside a Eritrean restaurant. Eritrea is a country (kinda) in the horn of Africa. For most of its history it hasn't had a functioning government ,although it was a member of the "Coalition of the Willing". How a country without a government can declare that its government (which doesn't exist) can be a member of of anything is beyond me but I guess that is something only those remaining Bush supporters can make sense of. Of course, if their STILL supporting this trainwreck of an administration how logical can they actually be?

The food here was actually very good. It is served family style with a spongy bread that is used to eat the food, no utensils are used. Unfortunately we were starving and it was late for me since I was still on eastern time. The restaurant was far from being adequately staffed and it took nearly two hours to get our food and eat. I would recommend a try at the style of food but certainly wouldn't suggest Assab without reservations.
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