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Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Facebook Status Classics...A new recurring entry.

Ok, I've built up quite the Facebook community pushing nearly 500 friends, coworkers and such so I thought it'd be fun if I captured and posted some of the best status updates for my blog watchers to enjoy.
The first entry is from my friend Scott who has this....

Well, I didn't see that coming. Jesus just stopped by, cross on his sholder (sic) and all. But he had a rose with him. Like is he looking for a lover. Guess he was looking for a religous experience. I opened the door and he goes, "I guess I ...have the wrong place" and I was like, "Yes you do have the wrong place."

1 comment:

Tracie said...

I bet the wasn't a Roane County native was it?